St Christopher's Church is located at the top of Winsford Avenue, (at the junction with Buckingham Rise). Our most popular service is at 10am on Sunday mornings, which we aim to make accessible to everyone in the community, from the very youngest to the oldest.
Our worshipping life as a church community is guided by the following values:
Unity and diversity – one main service which unites us and yet the opportunity outside of Sunday morning to have a variety of other forms of worship
Accessibility and depth – we want to have a contemporary, informal feel that allows people to come in and feel at home and yet we don’t want to sacrifice depth of worship which liturgy and hymns bring us
Intimacy and awe – we want to draw close to God in worship and allow his Spirit to move and yet we want to declare his majesty and greatness
A commitment to practical Biblical teaching that equips us to live as Jesus’ disciples today.
10am – Morning Celebration
Our main weekly gathering, attended by people of all ages, is relaxed and informal with band-led music (a mixture of hymns and modern worship songs), prayer and relevant biblical teaching. We share in communion twice a month. Once a month (on the first Sunday) we worship together as a whole church family; the rest of the time (during school term) services include groups for children (0-14) which are fun, relevant for their age and encourage them in their faith.
Refreshments are always served after the service when we take time to connect with each other. There's also always a quiet place for prayer and someone to pray with you if you would find it helpful.
Listen Back to our services
You can listen to the Sunday Sermons, services and many of our other activities on YouTube and Facebook.
6pm - Informal Service (once per month)
Join us for our monthly worship service, Pursuit, where we spend more unhurried time in worship, listen to God’s word together and allow God to work in our lives in a deeper way.
Follow this link to find out more about Pursuit.
Wednesday 10.30 am – Holy Communion (weekly)
Need an oasis of peace in the middle of your week? Join our growing community every week on Wednesdays at 10.30 am for a reflective communion service with hymns.
The service lasts about 45 minutes. Anybody's welcome to join us - the more the merrier! During the colder months we hold this in the meeting room and enjoy tea, cakes and chat together after the service.
For more information on all our services and events see:
Entry to our church is on a flat level. All our chairs move so you can sit where you want to with your family and friends. We have dedicated disability toilet facilities.
Hearing assistance:
If you use a hearing aid switch it to the T switch to gain a clearer sound of the service.
Sight assistance:
We have three large screens in church that show the words of service and hymns in large print.